martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016


En el día de hoy, tras la crisis bilateral entre Filipinas y Estados Unidos provocada por el uso de términos inusuales en boca de un Jefe de Estado para referirse a otro Jefe de Estado (ver nota de prensa), el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Filipinas indicó que:

"President Duterte explained that the press reports that President Obama would “lecture” him on extrajudicial killings led to his strong comments, which in turn elicited concern. He regrets that his remarks to the press have caused much controversy" (ver texto completo del comunicado al final de esta nota. Como se recordará el Presidente Duterte tomo posesión de su nuevo cargo el pasado 30 de junio del 2016. Tal y como se puede apreciar, Filipinas intenta explicar qué fue lo que llevó a su Presidente a expresarse de esta manera ("his strong comments"). A diferencia del "arrepentimiento" al que refieren algunos titulares de prensa (ver por ejemplo nota de ABC), no hay ningun tipo de disculpas presentadas, y lo único que lamenta ("regrets") el Presidente es que apreciaciones hechas hayan causado controversia:"He regrets that his remarks to the press have caused much controversy".

En el mismo comunicado se indica que una reunión prevista hoy entre ambos Jefes de Estados se reprogramará en una fecha posterior, sin precisar la razón por la cual se pospone: "Both delegations, however, have agreed that in the light of the issues that still need to be worked on, the bilateral meeting between the two nations will be postponed to a later date". Horas después, el vocero de la cancillería de Filipinas indicó que una "reunión informal" entre ambos mandatarios debería poder permitir reestablecer paulatinamente las relaciones entre ambos (ver nota de prensa).

Cabe señalar que a raiz de las fuertes declaraciones oídas en Manila, el Presidente de Estados Unidos optó por suspender la reunión bilateral prevista con su homólogo filipino este 6 de setiembre (ver nota de prensa).

Texto - Comunicado de Prensa - Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Filipinas


President Duterte today affirmed that he continues to value the alliance with the United States, noting that both our countries share common goals in their pursuit of the war against drugs, terrorists, crime and poverty.

He also thanked President Obama for the United States’ firm support for the Philippines during the G20, where President Obama emphasized the importance for China to abide by its obligations under international law and underscored the United States' unwavering commitment to the security of its treaty allies.

Both delegations, however, have agreed that in the light of the issues that still need to be worked on, the bilateral meeting between the two nations will be postponed to a later date.

President Duterte explained that the press reports that President Obama would “lecture” him on extrajudicial killings led to his strong comments, which in turn elicited concern. He regrets that his remarks to the press have caused much controversy.

While asserting the intent to chart an independent foreign policy and promote closer ties with all nations, he expressed his deep regard and affinity for President Obama and for the enduring partnership between our nations.

The President looks forward to ironing out differences arising out of national priorities and perceptions, and working in mutually responsible ways for both countries. President Duterte stressed that in securing and preserving the rights and liberties of our people, it is imperative that the fight against illegal drugs, terrorist, crimes and poverty must be won in order to preserve the principle and values upon which our democratic way of life is anchored. END

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